Thursday 2 May 2013

Positive Thinking - How to Think Positive All the Time

Sadly, for most people, 95-100% of their thoughts are negative. Additionally, it will usually be the same today as they were yesterday, the same this year as the last. While most people are aware of their constant state of negativity, they are usually unaware of the impact it has on their happiness, success, wealth and relationships. No wonder it can seem so hard to get what you want out of life!

If negative thoughts keep running through your head, it may be time to put on a pair of rose-colored glasses. Looking at life's challenges in a more positive way will not only improve your physical wellbeing. Research has shown that it can increase your longevity. People who see the glass as half full have lower rates of depression, stronger immune systems, reduced risk of heart disease and better coping skills during hard times. They also tend to have better relationships, progress faster in their career and make more money.

Rule Your Emotions
Don't let your emotions rule you. Once you start to recognize situations that put you in that negative cycle, create unnecessary worry or undermine your confidence, you can take control with positive thinking. If you are generally a negative person, keep practicing. Like any other habit, changing your thought process will take some time and effort.

Here are some tips and techniques that can help you to remain positive.

Condition Your Mind for Success
  • When a negative emotion pops into your head, put a positive spin on it.
  • Quit trying to rationalize negative thoughts.
  • If you can't control it, don't worry about it.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Find things to laugh about, especially during difficult times.
  • Create lists of accomplishments, favorite memories, things to be thankful for, and future possibilities.
  • Quit blaming yourself for every bad thing that happens.
  • Take positive steps to improve a negative situation.
  • Don't let one minor problem in the morning ruin your entire day.
  • Accept that life is not black and white.
  • Take care of yourself: Exercise, eat healthy and get enough sleep.
  • Cut yourself some slack.
  • Get immersed in a hobby.

  1. Identify areas in your life that keep you dwelling in negative energy.
  2. Make a list, and then reframe them in a positive manner.
  3. Regularly repeat/recite this list mentally
  4. Continually, think about what you do want, not what you don't want.

While it may not appear to be very important, the ability to think positive will have a significant impact on every area of your life. Do take the above suggestions seriously and implement them.

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