Focusing on the good things in your life is something simple to do, but to do it consistently is the hard part. What are you focusing on today? Is there anything positive that you can think of that happened to you? This is not going to be about just a simple gratitude list. This article will focus on really looking at all the good things that you have in your life now. It is difficult to focus on the good things if you are too busy complaining about your life. As you complain, you will attract more things to complain about. But if you came here to read this, you are in the right place. Especially since the end of 2012 is approaching as I write this, the goal is to finish off the year in a positive and productive way.
If you can think of anything positive that happened to you today, you are off to a good start. But if you continually focus on the negative things or why things don't work out then I've got good news for you. You can change these thoughts so that they become more positive. I'm not saying that you can succeed at this 100% of the time. But you can be positive most of the time. The late John Wooden once said "Things turn out the best for the people that make the best out of the way things turn out." This quote is one of his most famous and it is so true. The happiest people don't necessarily have everything. They just make the best out of what they have. Maybe you enjoy working in your garden at home. If that's the case then you have another good thing to focus on.
I am not a life and wellness coach but I have read extensively about this topic and I am here to help you out. When we are in school no one really teaches us how to accomplish goals that we put our mind to. We have to figure them out. The way to figure out how to accomplish goals differs from person to person. No one does it the same way as everybody else. But as long as you have goals to meet you have a purpose for living. There is no point in just living life to exist for the majority of it and be depressed. Life is a gift that we have all been blessed with. We have been given our own talents, skills, and abilities and we have to use them. You are using the full power of your brain when you put your potential to good use.
Focusing on what is good in your life is what is going to make you feel better. It will also give your mind, body, and spirit reasons to enjoy your life now. Focusing on the good things that you have creates a vibration that sends signals out into the Universe.
These signals send back to you whatever your predominant thoughts and feelings are. So if your thoughts or feelings are about negative things, then that is what you will attract more of into your life. Because that is the vibration you would be on so the Universe would have no choice but to respond that way.
Some of you may say "Ara, I can't think of anything positive that happened to me today. I have too many issues in my life." Every person has their issues from time to time. Our lives are not total bliss all the time. Even my life isn't always total bliss. This is particularly true when you have mood swings or depression. It seems like you are fighting an uphill battle to calm your nerves. I speak from personal experience because I'm having some anxiety too. But too much anxiety paralyzes you and stops you in your tracks. Don't deny that you may be experiencing anxiety. Instead, acknowledge it and if it's severe enough, seek professional help as soon as possible.
I have had my struggles having to deal with a non-existent job market along with millions of other people. Let's admit the reality that the labor market in many parts of the world has been affected by the worldwide economic slowdown. If you are currently out of work and feeling hopeless, you are not alone. It may be many years before we see any recovery in the labor market.
My point is that you have to try and come up with positive things that happen to you each day. They are in this world and positive things do happen to us. If you are able to read this, consider that a positive thing. If you have a roof over your head, that is a positive thing. If you had a nice and relaxed conversation with a friend, that is also a positive thing. If someone smiled at you and asked you how your day was, that is a positive thing right there. If you have the arms to hug a loved one, that is another positive thing there. If you have the ability to swim at the beach with your legs, that is a blessing. Every day can be a blessing if we see it that way. But if you want to get more specific, every day presents an adventure for us. We can either make it a good adventure or we can make it bad if we focus on the wrong things.
Chances are that your life is better than what you think it is. You are wealthier and better off than at least 1.6 billion people who do not have enough food to eat. If you are living in a developed country with fewer social problems then you are very blessed. You are wealthy compared to many other people around the world. Doesn't that make you feel better? I know you may not have what you want right now but no one has everything they could want. If they did, then there would be nothing to look forward to. You have a very good life especially if you have an Internet connection and you can read this. You also have a good life if you can properly clothe and feed yourself. Isn't your life good?
I don't have all the answers to everything. But I do know that a positive attitude is your best line of defense. I know it is hard sometimes to focus on the good when there is so much negativity in the world. Times are tough right now for many people. But if all that you are focusing on is how hard everything is then you will create a harder life for yourself. In spite of the troubles with the economy, you do have things to look forward to. Think about those things and I suggest that you write them down. Think of as many good things as you can. They don't even need to be big or significant things. Try to appreciate everything down to the smallest detail. That's what I try to focus on. I also try to focus on the things that I can control and not on the things that I cannot control. We spend so much time and effort worrying over things that we have no control over. For instance, as a writer, you can control what content that you choose to write about but you cannot control how your work will be received. The audience you are writing for may enjoy the work or they may not enjoy the work. All you can do is to put your best foot forward and do the best that you can to create good content and leave the rest up to your higher powers.
The more that you focus on the good things in life, the more good things will come to you. Your subconscious mind is one of the most powerful things that you have. As you focus on something good, your mind goes to work and brings to you similar good things. The Buddha once said: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." Use your mental powers to create positive change in your life. I know that I will strive for positive changes. Will you do the same?
The above quote is a complex quote and it was said over 2,000 years ago but it is actually true. The more that you think about something, the more energy that you feed it. So if you think about how bad your life is, then you will create more situations and circumstances that will make you feel bad. Our subconscious mind creates our life based on how we think, feel and believe. So start focusing on the good things consistently and you will see how your life will change.
You may not get a job tomorrow but if you hang in there and be positive, things will get better. We would like to think that the economy in the United States will get better but there are some of you that may feel like you have no hope and that there is nowhere to go. All of these anxieties and fears are understandable. Results take time to manifest. Remember that many things will change with time. Our beliefs, interests, and attitudes change because we change. That is part of the life cycle. I find my musical interests are changing and I cannot tolerate music with angry, depressing or bad lyrics anymore. Everything on this Earth that we possess is impermanent. They do not last.
The jobs we have, the money we make and the car that we drive don't last forever. But how we live this life helps us to establish a good legacy that we can pass on to future generations. I haven't had a real job in five years but I know that I am not alone. I try to focus on what I can control. I choose to focus on the good things and I don't like to complain. I love to appreciate what I have now. Try as much as you can to focus on what is good in life. You will feel better if you do that. This can also be known as a frequency shifter.
A negative frequency leads to a negative or bad future so make sure to be on a positive frequency always. Express gratitude for the ones that love you and the ones that you love. Love as many people as you can, treat them with kindness and respect and leave the rest up to the universe, God or your guardian angel. They will take care of the rest for you. Try this concept. It may work for you because it has worked for me.
So the answer is a simple yet profound one. If you focus on the good, your life will get better. There are many people out there that think this is not the advice that will work for them. They may feel that they have tried everything in their power to make things work out. But in reality, what they have done is tried to outsmart the universe and to try and prove that they are more knowledgeable than the universe. The truth is that none of us are smarter than the universe. The universe always knows more than we do. So you have to trust the universe. It always knows what it is doing if you have given it the right instructions beforehand. Never underestimate the power of focusing on the good things in life. There are many good things out there if we focus on them. I was talking to a friend of mine about this. I know that you may have lots of stuff going on in your life but you have to make a choice. And that choice is whether you want to continue to be miserable and focus on all that is wrong in your life or whether you want to change that line of thinking and focus on what is good around you. So what is it going to be? I'm sure that if you got to this article that you want to focus on all that is good around you and you should be proud of yourself. Good Luck!!
If you can think of anything positive that happened to you today, you are off to a good start. But if you continually focus on the negative things or why things don't work out then I've got good news for you. You can change these thoughts so that they become more positive. I'm not saying that you can succeed at this 100% of the time. But you can be positive most of the time. The late John Wooden once said "Things turn out the best for the people that make the best out of the way things turn out." This quote is one of his most famous and it is so true. The happiest people don't necessarily have everything. They just make the best out of what they have. Maybe you enjoy working in your garden at home. If that's the case then you have another good thing to focus on.
I am not a life and wellness coach but I have read extensively about this topic and I am here to help you out. When we are in school no one really teaches us how to accomplish goals that we put our mind to. We have to figure them out. The way to figure out how to accomplish goals differs from person to person. No one does it the same way as everybody else. But as long as you have goals to meet you have a purpose for living. There is no point in just living life to exist for the majority of it and be depressed. Life is a gift that we have all been blessed with. We have been given our own talents, skills, and abilities and we have to use them. You are using the full power of your brain when you put your potential to good use.
Focusing on what is good in your life is what is going to make you feel better. It will also give your mind, body, and spirit reasons to enjoy your life now. Focusing on the good things that you have creates a vibration that sends signals out into the Universe.
These signals send back to you whatever your predominant thoughts and feelings are. So if your thoughts or feelings are about negative things, then that is what you will attract more of into your life. Because that is the vibration you would be on so the Universe would have no choice but to respond that way.
Some of you may say "Ara, I can't think of anything positive that happened to me today. I have too many issues in my life." Every person has their issues from time to time. Our lives are not total bliss all the time. Even my life isn't always total bliss. This is particularly true when you have mood swings or depression. It seems like you are fighting an uphill battle to calm your nerves. I speak from personal experience because I'm having some anxiety too. But too much anxiety paralyzes you and stops you in your tracks. Don't deny that you may be experiencing anxiety. Instead, acknowledge it and if it's severe enough, seek professional help as soon as possible.
I have had my struggles having to deal with a non-existent job market along with millions of other people. Let's admit the reality that the labor market in many parts of the world has been affected by the worldwide economic slowdown. If you are currently out of work and feeling hopeless, you are not alone. It may be many years before we see any recovery in the labor market.
My point is that you have to try and come up with positive things that happen to you each day. They are in this world and positive things do happen to us. If you are able to read this, consider that a positive thing. If you have a roof over your head, that is a positive thing. If you had a nice and relaxed conversation with a friend, that is also a positive thing. If someone smiled at you and asked you how your day was, that is a positive thing right there. If you have the arms to hug a loved one, that is another positive thing there. If you have the ability to swim at the beach with your legs, that is a blessing. Every day can be a blessing if we see it that way. But if you want to get more specific, every day presents an adventure for us. We can either make it a good adventure or we can make it bad if we focus on the wrong things.
Chances are that your life is better than what you think it is. You are wealthier and better off than at least 1.6 billion people who do not have enough food to eat. If you are living in a developed country with fewer social problems then you are very blessed. You are wealthy compared to many other people around the world. Doesn't that make you feel better? I know you may not have what you want right now but no one has everything they could want. If they did, then there would be nothing to look forward to. You have a very good life especially if you have an Internet connection and you can read this. You also have a good life if you can properly clothe and feed yourself. Isn't your life good?
I don't have all the answers to everything. But I do know that a positive attitude is your best line of defense. I know it is hard sometimes to focus on the good when there is so much negativity in the world. Times are tough right now for many people. But if all that you are focusing on is how hard everything is then you will create a harder life for yourself. In spite of the troubles with the economy, you do have things to look forward to. Think about those things and I suggest that you write them down. Think of as many good things as you can. They don't even need to be big or significant things. Try to appreciate everything down to the smallest detail. That's what I try to focus on. I also try to focus on the things that I can control and not on the things that I cannot control. We spend so much time and effort worrying over things that we have no control over. For instance, as a writer, you can control what content that you choose to write about but you cannot control how your work will be received. The audience you are writing for may enjoy the work or they may not enjoy the work. All you can do is to put your best foot forward and do the best that you can to create good content and leave the rest up to your higher powers.
The more that you focus on the good things in life, the more good things will come to you. Your subconscious mind is one of the most powerful things that you have. As you focus on something good, your mind goes to work and brings to you similar good things. The Buddha once said: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." Use your mental powers to create positive change in your life. I know that I will strive for positive changes. Will you do the same?
The above quote is a complex quote and it was said over 2,000 years ago but it is actually true. The more that you think about something, the more energy that you feed it. So if you think about how bad your life is, then you will create more situations and circumstances that will make you feel bad. Our subconscious mind creates our life based on how we think, feel and believe. So start focusing on the good things consistently and you will see how your life will change.
You may not get a job tomorrow but if you hang in there and be positive, things will get better. We would like to think that the economy in the United States will get better but there are some of you that may feel like you have no hope and that there is nowhere to go. All of these anxieties and fears are understandable. Results take time to manifest. Remember that many things will change with time. Our beliefs, interests, and attitudes change because we change. That is part of the life cycle. I find my musical interests are changing and I cannot tolerate music with angry, depressing or bad lyrics anymore. Everything on this Earth that we possess is impermanent. They do not last.
The jobs we have, the money we make and the car that we drive don't last forever. But how we live this life helps us to establish a good legacy that we can pass on to future generations. I haven't had a real job in five years but I know that I am not alone. I try to focus on what I can control. I choose to focus on the good things and I don't like to complain. I love to appreciate what I have now. Try as much as you can to focus on what is good in life. You will feel better if you do that. This can also be known as a frequency shifter.
A negative frequency leads to a negative or bad future so make sure to be on a positive frequency always. Express gratitude for the ones that love you and the ones that you love. Love as many people as you can, treat them with kindness and respect and leave the rest up to the universe, God or your guardian angel. They will take care of the rest for you. Try this concept. It may work for you because it has worked for me.
So the answer is a simple yet profound one. If you focus on the good, your life will get better. There are many people out there that think this is not the advice that will work for them. They may feel that they have tried everything in their power to make things work out. But in reality, what they have done is tried to outsmart the universe and to try and prove that they are more knowledgeable than the universe. The truth is that none of us are smarter than the universe. The universe always knows more than we do. So you have to trust the universe. It always knows what it is doing if you have given it the right instructions beforehand. Never underestimate the power of focusing on the good things in life. There are many good things out there if we focus on them. I was talking to a friend of mine about this. I know that you may have lots of stuff going on in your life but you have to make a choice. And that choice is whether you want to continue to be miserable and focus on all that is wrong in your life or whether you want to change that line of thinking and focus on what is good around you. So what is it going to be? I'm sure that if you got to this article that you want to focus on all that is good around you and you should be proud of yourself. Good Luck!!
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