Thursday, 6 December 2012


I believe in luck because luck does, in fact, exist. Luck is nothing special really as most imagine it to be. Being lucky is merely your preparedness and your readiness coming into contact with an opportunity to shine almost entirely by way of your hard work before making a conscious decision to fulfill the opportunity that lies before you. As you can already tell by now, my luck is totally different from the mistaken notion of luck being some esoteric thing that automatically advances a person. Some of you may be thinking that if luck requires hard work, then how do some people win millions of dollars just by playing the lottery or by stumbling upon a lot of money by chance? My brazen answer to that question is that winning the lottery is not luck because it is gambling and stumbling upon a bunch of money is an occurrence. Gambling and occurrences are not luck because, unlike luck, those things do not allow you to play an active role in your destiny.
Being lucky involves living like a lucky person. Living like a lucky person is simply doing something every day or frequently that makes you a better person or puts you in a better state of mind. Writing just as with my exercising is one of those activities that I frequent. I cannot speak for other writers and bloggers, but the beauty of writing is that it makes all of my problems in life feel as if they are nonexistent. I simply redirect all of my attention and energy to my writing and my anxiousness and my worrying simply diminishes as I do what I love. As you can tell, in my case, to express myself through writing is to live like a lucky person (well writing, and many, many other things of course). The lucky person is the person who can contribute betterment to himself and to others and enjoy what he or she does.
To keep the idea of being lucky even more simplistic, I will posit that being lucky is doing what is liberating and doing a lot of it. The funny thing about being lucky is that being lucky isn’t really being lucky because we understand that we have the ability to cause ourselves to be lucky people by our thoughts and our actions. What do you think about luck? I would love to read what you have to say in the comments section.

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