Saturday, 1 June 2013

Goal To Success - A New Month

It is a brand new month and a clean slate for ideas and projects.

The very first thing to do is to create a list of everything you would like to accomplish in the next 30 days. Make a list of old projects that need to be complete, personal goals you have, relationships that you'd like to focus on, tasks that you would like to achieve and a few just out of reach goals that you'd like to strive for. When you have a list of what you want to do in the next 30 days you will be ready for step two.

Step 2 can be done one week at a time or you can plan for the whole month in advance. Take the list of what you would like to accomplish this month and decide what you need to do and accomplish this week. Looking at each of the things you have listed, break them down to what you need to do tin the next 5-7 days, or every week so that you will have checked everything off your list.

Who will you connect with this week, how many blog posts or articles will you write this week, what personal goals need your attention, what project can you complete this week, what projects will you start, what marketing plan will you implement?

The reason it is so important to know what you'd like to accomplish each month is so that you can create a plan of action to mark each of those items off your list. Dreaming is great, but it is not a goal until you write it down where you'll see it every day. Start your day off knowing exactly what you'll accomplish so that by the end of each week and ultimately the end of the month you will have accomplished all the goals that both moved your business forward as well as helped you maintain your personal balance.

A list of goals, projects and ideas call out for action. Taking action is the only thing that will help you create the success that you know you are capable of creating.

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