Friday, 22 February 2013

How to Create Your Own Luck

"Luck is simply the end result of consistent, persistent effort towards a meaningful goal."
~Tristan Loo

Almost all the people I've interviewed who considered themselves failures in life, blamed bad luck as being responsible for their life's failures. Surprisingly, when I interviewed the most successful people I know, they also related similar stories of misfortune, hardships and tragedy in their lives similar to those who considered themselves to be failures. The difference between the two types of people was that the highly successful people saw their misfortunes as crucial steps closer in the direction of their goals, while those "unlucky" people chose to blame their misfortunes and not take responsibility for their lives. This article will discuss the concept of luck and how to attract more luck into your life.

What is luck?
Princeton University Dictionary defines luck as being an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event, good or ill, to result in a person's life. I tend to disagree with this definition. I define luck as simply being the end result of consistent, persistent effort towards a meaningful goal.
A good example of this is in the 1995 movie Apollo 13. There is a point in the movie where things were going disastrously wrong for the crew of the spacecraft Apollo 13 and the NASA Director comments, "This could be the worst disaster that NASA's ever faced." NASA Flight Manager, Gene Kranz, played by Ed Harris overhears this comment and proudly retorts, "With all due respect, Sir, I believe that this is gonna be our finest hour." Both NASA command and the crew of Apollo 13 turned their "bad luck" into good luck with consistent, persistent effort towards a meaningful goal.

Case Studies of the Luckiest Unlucky People Alive
Arguably the luckiest person in the world, Evelyn Adams did the unimaginable. In 1985, she won the New Jersey state lottery for $2.4 million dollars. Then in the following year, she won the 1986 New Jersey lottery again for another 3 million dollars. Now ask any mathematician at the sheer statistical impossibility of this ever occurring. Adam's total winnings were $5.4 million dollars. With such luck like that, we would have thought that she'd be retired and traveling the world enjoying paradise, right? Wrong. Today, Adams is broke and living in a run-down trailer after having lost all of her money towards her gambling additions and to greedy friends and relatives.
Another lucky fellow is William "Bud" Post who won a whopping $16.2 million dollars in the 1988 Pennsylvania lottery. With that kind of money, he should have been stress-free for the rest of his life, but instead, Post is now broke and living off of a $450 dollar per month social security check and food stamps. After he became the lucky winner of the $16.2 million dollars, his former girlfriend successfully sued him, he got suckered into a bunch of bad business ventures with his siblings, and his brother hired a hit-man to murder him. In little more than a year's time, Post had lost everything and was one-million dollars in debt.
According to the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, nearly one-third of all lottery winners become bankrupt. The reason why so many lucky lotto winners go bankrupt is that they really never developed the mindset to accept wealth into their lives. They never developed any real money consciousness--the internal ability to create and sustain wealth. They weren't comfortable enough to accept their wealth and so their subconscious mind forced them to go back to their comfort zone, which in their case was based not in abundance, but rather in scarcity.

The Successful Create Their Own Luck
Herein lies the main concept of this article: Highly successful people create their own luck, while unsuccessful people wish, hope, and pray that luck will find them.
The truth is that highly successful people experience more luck that those who fail because they work hard to put themselves in the right place at the right time, rather than hoping that their life will somehow cross paths with fortune. Those who fail in life might fall into the right place at the right time, but they won't recognize it when they do and they won't be able to repeat it afterwards. To the outside world, it might seem that successful people appear to have all the easy breaks in life, but in reality, they work incredibly hard to put themselves in the path of those breaks.

Keep Firing and You're Guaranteed to Hit the Bulls-Eye
Imagine you're holding a pistol and you're pointing it at a target 100 yards down range. Unless you're an expert marksman, there's only a small statistical probability that you're going to hit the bulls eye the first time. But if you keep firing and correcting your aim, the law of statistical probability dictates that eventually you must hit the bull's-eye. Creating luck in your life obeys the same law of statistical probability--if you keep performing actions that lead towards your goal, eventually you are going to reach that goal. So luck in life is guaranteed, you just have to be willing to try enough times.

Practical Tips for Attracting Luck Into Your Life
Through my years of consulting and coaching clients, I have distilled some secrets about creating luck and success in life. The ability to consistently attract luck into your life is a way of life--a pattern of thinking that you must adopt for yourself. Once you integrate these secrets into your life on a daily basis, then I guarantee that you will attract a greater amount of fortune and happiness into your life as well.

1. Identify your target and keep firing. Rarely does anyone hit a bulls-eye on their first try and those that do hit it usually can't repeat those results. But if identify your target and you put enough bullets down-range, then by the law of statistics, eventually you have to hit the bulls-eye. It's guaranteed, so keep firing.

2. Keep a luck diary. At the end of each day, spend a couple of minutes reflecting back on your day and write down all the positive things that happened to you during the course of the day, whether or not you created it yourself, or it happened by chance. Everyday, just keep adding to that list. In a couple of months, you will see exactly how lucky you really are. It's a powerful motivating tool that I highly recommend as part of your life journaling practices.

3. Be someone else's luck. Luck doesn't work if you only wish it upon yourself. Be willing to be someone else's luck. Be the person to lend a helping hand. Be someone's hero. When you become someone else's luck, then it allows that universal energy to circulate and it eventually returns back to you in abundance. If you block that circular flow of energy by being selfish, then you'll prevent good things from coming back to you. Give from the heart and you will attract luck into your life.

4. Be willing to take risks. Those that consider themselves to be unlucky are stuck in their comfortable little daily routines that they can't break free from. They fear change and they fear anything that is new or different. On the other hand, those people who are "lucky" seek out new things, challenges and opportunities. They are prepared to take risks and they are quick to recognize new opportunities when they come along.

5. Believe that you are lucky. The law of attraction states that you will attract into your life that which you focus on. If you're in a constantly negative state of mind where you believe that the only luck you get is bad luck, then you'll attract even more negative luck into your life. Conversely, if you are constantly in a positive state of mind and look at the bright side of every situation, then you'll attract good things into you life.

6. Develop and trust your intuition. Lucky people learn to listen to and trust their intuition also known as their "gut feeling." They go with what feels right inside. They also spend a great deal of time developing and focusing their intuition through journaling, art, and meditation.

7. Know what makes you happy. This is a simple, common sense point, but surprisingly many people out there really don't know what genuinely makes them happy in life. Some might think that money makes them happy, when in reality it's healthy relationships that make them happy. If you don't know what makes you happy in life, then you will never recognize good fortune in that area when it presents itself. Remember that 80% of luck is identifying it when it comes into your life.

8. Create flexible plans. Planning and setting goals attracts good luck into your life, but improper planning or no planning at all will inevitably result in bad luck sprouting in your life. You have to expect that things won't go smoothly in your efforts to pursue your dreams and it's your ability to create flexible plans that accounts for these variables that produces success.
© Copyright 2006 by Tristan Loo. All rights reserved.

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