1.) Efficacy
If you don't know the word, get acquainted with it. More or less, it means that your understanding of the universe is that you carve your own fate. The world isn't happening to you (fatalism or determinism). You are crafting it however you see fit. When you find yourself complaining about how you aren't successful because of some outward variable, you aren't in a state of efficacy. And good luck, because luck is all you're counting on. Instead, when you start looking for ways that you personally can change the landscape, that's how you choose your destiny. And that destiny is whatever you want within your control. So take control.
2.) Visualization
I can't impress this upon people enough. There has never been or ever will there be a successful person who doesn't picture what they will accomplish. Get a handle on visualization exercises. The human mind is the most powerful thing on the planet. It is responsible for subjugating all animals under its dominion. It has built empires and moved mountains, literally. It understands the particle physics of the sun and can predict the cycles of the celestial bodies. It can reap terrible consequences both for good and for evil. If you aren't taking a minute or two on a regular basis to focus your thoughts on end goals, you aren't just lazy, you're broke and broken in spirit.
3.) Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously
Humility is great because it keeps you from getting out of control. But it also helps you realize that we're all just people tripping our way through life. You aren't better than anyone; and no one is better than you either. If you fail, it's okay. It really isn't the end of the world. You get another chance as long as you're on this side of the dirt. Do you really think everyone else has their lives together? All are prone to mistakes. Get used to it. Be OK with it. Attain a certain level of sublime freedom in screwing things up from time to time. At the end of the day, princes and paupers both lie down to sleep and get another chance upon waking.
4.) Work. Period.
Find a grindstone and put your nose to it. Don't burn yourself out all the time. BUT LEARN WHAT IT ACTUALLY FEELS LIKE TO BURN YOURSELF OUT. A lot of people think they've worked too hard before they've even begun to push it. And I would argue that you can't burn yourself out doing something you love while reaping all kinds of success and benefits from it. You are never going to learn what you're capable of by playing it safe, staying within your comfort zone, or simply making it through the day. Have an obsession, if only for a moment. Have passion. Lay it all on the line, just once. Be too much. Be over the top. Have some character. It's true that no one on his deathbed ever said, "I wish I would've spent more time at work." But no epitaph ever read, "I regret that Olympic Gold Medal," "I regret that Pulitzer Prize," or "I wish I would've never cured my digestive health, become pain free, lost 100 pounds, remedied my hypothyroidism, reversed my diabetes and attained all of my wellness goals."
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7504698If you don't know the word, get acquainted with it. More or less, it means that your understanding of the universe is that you carve your own fate. The world isn't happening to you (fatalism or determinism). You are crafting it however you see fit. When you find yourself complaining about how you aren't successful because of some outward variable, you aren't in a state of efficacy. And good luck, because luck is all you're counting on. Instead, when you start looking for ways that you personally can change the landscape, that's how you choose your destiny. And that destiny is whatever you want within your control. So take control.
2.) Visualization
I can't impress this upon people enough. There has never been or ever will there be a successful person who doesn't picture what they will accomplish. Get a handle on visualization exercises. The human mind is the most powerful thing on the planet. It is responsible for subjugating all animals under its dominion. It has built empires and moved mountains, literally. It understands the particle physics of the sun and can predict the cycles of the celestial bodies. It can reap terrible consequences both for good and for evil. If you aren't taking a minute or two on a regular basis to focus your thoughts on end goals, you aren't just lazy, you're broke and broken in spirit.
3.) Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously
Humility is great because it keeps you from getting out of control. But it also helps you realize that we're all just people tripping our way through life. You aren't better than anyone; and no one is better than you either. If you fail, it's okay. It really isn't the end of the world. You get another chance as long as you're on this side of the dirt. Do you really think everyone else has their lives together? All are prone to mistakes. Get used to it. Be OK with it. Attain a certain level of sublime freedom in screwing things up from time to time. At the end of the day, princes and paupers both lie down to sleep and get another chance upon waking.
4.) Work. Period.
Find a grindstone and put your nose to it. Don't burn yourself out all the time. BUT LEARN WHAT IT ACTUALLY FEELS LIKE TO BURN YOURSELF OUT. A lot of people think they've worked too hard before they've even begun to push it. And I would argue that you can't burn yourself out doing something you love while reaping all kinds of success and benefits from it. You are never going to learn what you're capable of by playing it safe, staying within your comfort zone, or simply making it through the day. Have an obsession, if only for a moment. Have passion. Lay it all on the line, just once. Be too much. Be over the top. Have some character. It's true that no one on his deathbed ever said, "I wish I would've spent more time at work." But no epitaph ever read, "I regret that Olympic Gold Medal," "I regret that Pulitzer Prize," or "I wish I would've never cured my digestive health, become pain free, lost 100 pounds, remedied my hypothyroidism, reversed my diabetes and attained all of my wellness goals."
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